How we hire

Ready to get to know us as much as we’d like to get to know you?

We’re always looking for talented specialists who thrive when given responsibility and independent-minded professionals who excel while working as teams. Being part of Schuberg Philis means you’re likely to work most at one of our awesome offices, but working on-site at a customer location and/or from home are common too. Sounds interesting? Apply to one of our current job openings or submit an open application. If we see a potential fit, we'll guide you through the multiple steps of our hiring process.

Step 2

First interview

Who are we? Who are you? What makes us tick? What ticks you off? This first interview lets us learn about each other and see if we’re right for you. We really value cultural fit, so if we’re not right for even the most talented person on earth, we’ll let them go.

This usually takes 90 minutes.

Step 3

Second interview

Get down to the nitty-gritty. This interview pairs you with two peers who share in your expertise and experience. In a lively exchange of ideas, the conversation shows us your skills and knowledge, but also limits – because if you join our journey, we’ll support you. 

This usually takes 90 minutes.

Step 4

Final interview

Leave no stone unturned in a nice and personal conversation with us. This interview lets us further satisfy our curiosity about you. It also takes the time to deep dive into any remaining questions or concerns you have about the job or working with us.

This usually takes 90 minutes.

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It’s not a secret: we put experts in the lead

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It’s not a secret: we put experts in the lead

Why would you wait to bring in an expert until an issue has become a problem? Why not have the same team of experts design, develop, and execute a solution and let that team communicate directly with the customer right from the start? That’s how we get to the real question behind the IT question. It works every time.

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Step 5

Additional step

For some jobs or in some scenarios, the application process requires an extra step. This can be an interview to discuss a particular subject or to let you speak with our most relevant colleagues. Some jobs also require a cognitive test and/or a competence assessment.
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Setting you up for succes

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Setting you up for succes

Unlike most companies, our onboarding takes approximately six months. That’s because we're expecting you to start a new job in a self-steering team with no managers, meet new customers, deep dive into new projects, and new ways of working – all at the same time. During this half-year, we’ll do everything we can to set you up for success.

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Step 6

Accept offer

Welcome! If you’re the best candidate for the job, we invite you to join our journey. Expect an offer that’s based on your current professional qualities,— not your age, previous salary, nor how many years of experience you’ve had. We value you for you today.

Signing takes about 60 minutes.

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Tech Market debuts

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Tech Market debuts

Our first-ever Tech Market gave each of our customer teams the chance to showcase their work from the past couple years. The event drew in over 200 participants, with networking opportunities for engineers and a barbecue for everyone to enjoy.

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Welcome on board!

During the first half-year we standardly devote to onboarding, we’ll do everything we can to set you up for success. You’ll get plenty of interactive information sessions. You’ll be assigned a buddy to address everyday practical questions, a team to support you in your work, and a coach to guide your personal development. You’ll be invited to roundtable sessions so we can talk about how you’re doing and how we can help you get even more comfortable. It’s up to you to decide exactly where your career at Schuberg Philis takes you. Some of us turn out to be the architects of entire IT ecosystems or develop cutting-edge code that solves a problem on the horizon, whereas others get their kicks from planning or SCRUM. We don’t work with theoretical personal development plans or education budgets. If you need training, we enable you to pursue it. We try to help each other develop and improve. Bottom line: we want to help you reach your full potential and transform your career while enjoying your job and still being happy at the end of each workday.
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Meet the Schuberg Philis Recruitment team

Mira, Marina, Paul, Tjeerd, Elvira & Sara