External recruiters regularly get in touch with us, often seeking to present their ideal candidates. Since our time is limited and the same questions tend to come up, we’ve prepared this FAQ.

But first, a request

We're fortunate to have a selection of recruiters who help us fulfill our hiring wishes. Since our roster currently provides us all we need, please don’t call us. – if we’re interested, we’ll call you. We’d also appreciate it if you refrain from emailing our colleagues who don’t work in recruitment.

We’ve never met. Can I meet you in person to learn more about Schuberg Philis?

Sorry, no. We prefer spending that time time seeking new colleagues ourselves. However, if we end up hiring one of your candidates, we’d be happy to make an appointment to meet you.

What exactly you are looking for in candidates?

To find out, study our website, read our blog posts, watch our videos, analyze our job descriptions. Everything we publish is based on solid facts. We put ourselves out there as we are. In colleagues, quality is all that matters. We’ll never settle for less.

I have candidates whose profiles perfectly match your requirements. May I share?

Schuberg Philis does not accept unsolicited resumes from any professional staffing or search firms. All resumes, and any other information identifying potential candidates, submitted to any employee at Schuberg Philis via-email, the Internet or directly without a valid and signed search agreement will be deemed free to contact by Schuberg Philis without any restrictions and no placement fee of any kind will be paid in the event the candidate is hired by Schuberg Philis.

Do you work with outsourcing candidates?

We strongly prefer candidates who want to join our journey as colleagues. In our experience, oursourcing candidates are often highly specialized in a certain area, but lack qualifications for the broader role of a Mission-Critical Engineer at Schuberg Philis.

How long does the entire application process take?

We’re very thorough. Our application process consists of at least three interviews that are 90 minutes or longer, and sometimes we have an additional step involving an interview, a cognitive test, and/or a competence assessment. The aim is to establish a long-term relationship, not find a quick fix. For details, see How we hire.