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Our private hybrid-ready cloud unites the best of both worlds in a single solution. keeps your mission-critical systems safe in our datacenter on Dutch soil, while also enabling easy connection and workload transfer to and from the public cloud.

Customers who use can trust that their application landscapes will be running on a flexible, secure platform that delivers all the benefits of using a private sovereign cloud solution. Yet, they can simultaneously use the public cloud to take advantage of the many features offered by AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud.

A new mission-critical cloud is the successor to MCC, the mission-critical cloud that Schuberg Philis ran for over a decade. Like MCC, provides a secure auditable platform, located in the Netherlands, to host application workloads that are not only the most technologically demanding, but also the most vital to our customers’ business.

Total compliance and auditability complies with all Dutch regulations and will stay compliant no matter how rapidly Dutch or European regulations evolve. It is compliant with all requirements foreseen by the Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) proposal for financial institutions and is subjected to the same rigorous audits that Schuberg Philis passes each year.

More features, more services

As a VMware Cloud Verified partner, is a validated provider of VMware’s best-in-class infrastructure service solutions. uses VMware Cloud Foundation (VCF) as its framework, allowing for quick, predictable feature and service delivery and development, an always-auditable environment, and seamless integration with our current data-management solution.

"Being hybrid-ready, allows direct connectivity between a highly secure environment stored in our datacenters with one or multiple public clouds."

Thijs van Leeuwen

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We are proud to be a validated VMware Cloud Verified Partner.

Thijs van Leeuwen klein 6620

Want to know more?

Contact Thijs van Leeuwen

What we do

Cloud · Data · Software · Consultancy · Digital trust